Making THL style plots

# Download the data

THL -styled bar plot

## using theme_thl() will apply the basic THL formulations:

mycaption <- c(expression(paste(bold("Lähde:"), " THL")))   

ggplot(data = subset(yli180, grepl("2017", kk)), aes(x = kk, y = pros)) +
  geom_col_thl(fill = palette_thl(name = "area", n = 1)) +
  scale_y_continuous_thl(limits = c(0,2)) + 
  labs(title = "Erikoissairaanhoidosssa yli 180 vrk odottaneet", 
       caption = mycaption, y = "%") +

## Similarly, a horizontal bar plot: 
ggplot(data = subset(yli180, grepl("2017", kk)), aes(x = kk, y = pros)) +
  geom_col_thl(fill = palette_thl(name = "area", n = 1)) +
  scale_y_continuous_thl(limits = c(0,2)) + 
  labs(title = "Erikoissairaanhoidosssa yli 180 vrk odottaneet", 
       caption = mycaption, y = "%") +
  coord_flip() +
  theme_thl(horizontal = TRUE)

THL -styled line plot

## Reshaping the data to long format
yli90l <- reshape(yli90, varying = names(yli90)[2:7], v.names = "n", 
                  timevar = "kk", idvar = "AVI", times = names(yli90)[2:7], 
                  direction = "long")

g <- ggplot(yli90l, aes(x = kk, y = n, group = AVI, col = AVI)) + 
  geom_line_thl() + 
  geom_point_thl() + 
  scale_color_manual(values = palette_thl("quali", n = length(unique(yli90l$AVI)))) +
  ggtitle("Yli 90 vuorokautta hoitoonpääsyä odottaneet",
                 "Tilanne sairaanhoitopiireittäin") + 
